

Conversation with CD 6 Candidates

The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is pleased to host a conversation with the two candidates in the run-off election to represent CD6 on the LA City Council. Marissa Alcaraz and Imelda Padilla will be joining us at our Board meeting on Wednesday, June 14th to share their ideas about how, if elected, they propose to address important issues of concern to Van Nuys residents and stakeholders.

June 9, 2023|

Reform LA Listening Sessions

The Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Reform has begun its listening sessions on potential reforms to our city’s redistricting process. This is a historic effort which is being led by the Council President and the more public participation the better, as reforms recommended by the committee will need to go to the full City Council and the voters for adoption, as many reforms would require changes to the City Charter.

April 17, 2023|