IMG_06371. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
3. Comments from the Chair — *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike)
4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.)
5. Secretary’s Report — (Jon Hendry)  Adopt May minutes; adopt minutes from January with additional information on individual VNNC Board Member’s Fire Station #39 CIS votes; adopt April minutes with additional information on individual VNNC Board Member’s Fire Station #39 CIS votes
6. Treasurer’s Report — Jeanette Hopp and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports & Election Chair’s Report
8. New Business

  • a. Swearing in and seating of Kambiz Merabi and Lizette Arzola as Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Members
  • b. Training the entire Board in all new policies and procedures (DONE Staff) 1 1/2 hours
  • c. VNNC light pole banners procedure for replacement.  VNNC to address two separate estimates for replacement of banners. Supporting Documents: Quote
  • d. VAN NUYS NC # 1051: October, November and December, 2013 Monthly Expenditure Report (MER) FY 2013-2014
  • e. Discussion and vote on reimbursement of Jeanette Hopp for $100.26 for office supplies and copies being made on behalf of the VNNC.
  • f. Establish procedure for reimbursements of Councilmembers and process thereof.
  • g. Reimburse Vice President Howard Benjamin $21.78, and resubmit the previous paperwork that was rejected by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE).
  • h. Councilmember Krekorian is inviting all the Neighborhood Councils in the district to a special movie night at North Hollywood Park, the date is to be determined. Krekorian’s office is asking for each Neighborhood Council to contribute $200.00 towards food for this event. VNNC to assist in funding this event. (NTE $200)
  • i. Update and information from Kelly Tyler on Van Nuys Library happenings. (15 minutes)
  • j. Three strikes and you’re out update on the procedure for being banned from VNNC meetings. (Daniel Luna) Supporting docs.: VNNC Code Of Civility
  • k. Update on Child & Sex Trafficking Summit with LAPD, FBI, and the United Nations
  • l. Update and Progress Report on Heath Fair Partnership with Councilwoman Nury Martinez
  • m. Removal of Board Member (pursuant to VNNC Bylaws, Article V., Section 9) – A recorded vote by the VNNC for the removal of Jeanette Hopp from the VNNC board for said board member’s actions Wednesday May 14th 2014 during the Board of Public Works recorded meeting, where said board member deliberately misrepresented the VNNC during public testimony. Supporting docs.: petition
  • n. The VNNC to establish a “Standing Rule” which states as follows … “A Van Nuys Councilmember may at any time represent their own opinion, their position on an issue, or how they voted on any particular item provided they are only representing themselves as a single individual Van Nuys Councilmember and not as a representative of the Board as a Whole.  Additionally, when needed and advised to do so, a Van Nuys Councilmember may represent the Board as a Whole provided they are elected to do so before said particular event, gathering or meeting.” BACKGROUND: Organizations sometimes adopt rules of procedure that add to or vary from the rules of parliamentary law as stated in their parliamentary authority.  The rules that are intended to stand until revoked are termed standing rules.  Organizations have the right to adopt special or standing rules by majority vote without notice and to abolish them in the same manner.
  • o. The VNNC to create and establish a “Special Committee” with a 90 day sunset clause addressing street vending in Los Angeles. (Howard Benjamin)
  • p. 14401 Valerio Street: Asking letter of support; Change R1 Zone into an RD 1.5 Zone for a small lot subdivision. Planning committee ask at the previous meeting to outreach to the neighbors for their input, reduce the amount of units to allow for guest parking and open space, and revise the design of exterior elevations – Case no.: APCSV-2013-3648-2C (Regina Minon) Supporting Docs.: 14401 Valerio St_2014.2.14 SITE-13021-2-26-2014 Site Photos Master Application Form
  • q. The River Project: Presentation of The River Project; asking VNNC to write a motion letter to the Mayor and council representatives in our district area. A citywide program to get communities from different council districts to capture, conserve and reuse water in Los Angeles area by converting usable or contaminated water away from storm drains and the LA River that flows into the ocean. She will explain different ways to conserve water by grey water systems, collecting cisterns and other mean of reusing water. (Jessica Sanchez) Supporting Docs.:Water LA handout LA Stormwater blog Water LA Supporting links:
  • r. 6815 N. Noble Ave.: Conditional Use (Wireless Telecommunications Facility); asking for a letter of support. Requesting conditional use for a roof mounted wireless telecommunication facility. Antennas and associated equipment screen from view behind three new (10 ft. high) concealment enclosures integrated into existing building design. Case no. ZA 2014-339-CUW (Marc Myers) Supporting Docs.: 2013-0809 (SO CA Ortho) CLV5429- 01-02-14 CLV5429-Final ZD 1-23-14 (11×17)MLU Application Site Photos
  • s. 6833 Van Nuys Blvd.: Conditional Use Permit to extend hours of operation, asking a letter of support. Tenant Improvement for new Starbucks Coffee in an existing Arby’s restaurant drive-thru. No increase in area or change of use. Extend the hours of operation for Starbucks Coffee. Commercial Corner hours of op are 7:00am to – 11:00pm. Starbucks is requesting operating hours from 4:30am to 12:00 Midnight. – Case no.: ZA 2014-1559-CU (Elizabeth Valerio) Supporting Docs.: 63067-001 Van Nuys & Hartland ops rev VA II 21Apr14 radius map Sbux_VN_Hartland_Findings Sbux_VNHartland_LLsignedCUPApp
  • t. 6908 Vesper Avenue: Request to action for a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the proposed property. The VNNC PLUM Committee board members to vote on the non-support of Case no.: DIR 2013-3200-DB and to be submitted to the Planning Department, as well as to the attention of Councilwoman Nury Martinez and Chief of Staff Jim Dantona. (Maria Scherzer).
  • u. Ms. Monica Benivedez dedication at Delano Park as well as establish a No-Vending-Zone around St. Elizabeth Church.  (Candido Marez)
  • v. The Budget Advocates are requesting a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in regards to the Budget Advocate’s White Paper and recommend the Budget & Finance Committee and the VNNC adopt the White Paper as is.  Also, the CIS should state the VNNC supports the White Paper.
  • w. VNNC funding for Delano Park.  The funding would cover basketball sports uniforms, soccer balls and recreation equipment and to defer and offset fees for supporting our youth constituents.  (NTE $500)
  • x. VNNC funding for Van Nuys Park.  The funding would cover basketball sports uniforms, soccer balls and recreation equipment and to defer and offset fees for supporting our youth constituents.  (NTE $500)
  • y. Re-establish agenda posting procedures as advised by City Attorney & DONE

9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
