Homeless Count
Thank you so much for your attendance and participation in the 2025 Van Nuys Homeless Count. With the leadership of the LAHSA Team (Luis and Samuel) we were able to complete all of the census tracts.
Thank you so much for your attendance and participation in the 2025 Van Nuys Homeless Count. With the leadership of the LAHSA Team (Luis and Samuel) we were able to complete all of the census tracts.
The Daily News reports that neighbors are thrilled at the clean up and graffiti removal at 7100 Sepulveda.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 VNNC President Kathy Schreiner and Vice President Maduka Nkuku were on hand to provide refreshments on behalf of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council for volunteers of the homeless count.
The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council and the Human Services Committee present the Homeless Forum on March 2, 6-8pm. Join us to learn about Local Outreach Teams, Limits on Encampments, Homeless Services Budget, Mental Wellness Resources, Temporary Housing, Supporting Transition to Housing, Preventing Evictions, Affordable Housing
City Council will discuss rescinding enhanced clean up service near Bridge Shelters if certain municipal codes are invalidated. Advocates for the homeless are strongly pushing for the clean ups to end. You are invited to speak up and share your position at the Council Meeting on November 24, 10am.