• Joint Board and VNNC Planning and Land Use Committee

    Meeting Agenda

    October 18, 2017 (Wednesday 6:30- 9:30 pm)

    Van Nuys Community Police Station

    6240 Sylmar Ave. Conference room

    Van Nuys, CA


  1. WELCOMING REMARKS: (10 minutes)Call to orderPledge of allegianceCommittee roll call
  3. PRESENTATIONS: (10 minutes)Sarah Blanch of Institute of PublicStrategies
  4. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: (5 minutes) Review and adoption of minutes
  5. MOTIONS & RESOLUTIONS: (2.5 hours)
    1. Discussion and Possible Action. The Van Nuys Planning and Land Committee will consider to elect Ms. Lauren Hooten to be a committee member to the Planning and Land Use Committee. 
    2. Discussion and Possible Action. 15630 Vanowen Street, Conversion and legalization of 3 units for habitable use. Requesting to allow the conversion and legalization of an existing (e) recreation room into one unit, (e) manager’s office room into one unit and (e) storage room into one unit. Case no#: ZA-2017-587-ZV. (Joseph Pazcoguin/ Plan and Permit Inc.) Supporting Documents: Arch Drawings16062017 Photoboard16062017 Vin Map16062017
    3. Discussion and Possible Action. 7361-7363 Van Nuys Blvd., Cali Viejo Restaurant, Conditional Use Beverage for the sale of Alcohol. Change of use and hours of operation. Requesting to extend the hours of operation and allow live entertainment with dancing in conjunction with an existing restaurant beer and wine on-site consumption with 144 seats in a 3057 SF building. Case no#: ZA-2017-3318- CUB (Alicia Mendosa/ Avanty Services) Supporting documents: Photo_Board-7361-7363 Van Nuys Blvd MLU-7361-7363 Van Nuys Blvd arch_drawings-7361-7363 Van Nuys Blvd Pre-application-7361-7363 Van Nuys Blvd
    4. Discussion and Possible Action. 14019 Vanowen Street, 8 unit Apartment. Case no#. not available (Athena Novak/ AHN Associates, LLC) Supporting Documents: Vanowen 8 Unit MLU
  6. ANNOUNCEMENTS (5 minutes)

Agenda: 2017-10-18_Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting