Reform LA Listening Sessions

The Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Reform has begun its listening sessions on potential reforms to our city’s redistricting process. This is a historic effort which is being led by the Council President and the more public participation the better, as reforms recommended by the committee will need to go to the full City Council and the voters for adoption, as many reforms would require changes to the City Charter.

Reform LA Listening Sessions2023-04-17T15:05:58-07:00

Crisis and Incident Response through Community-led Engagement Comes to Van Nuys

Examples of incidents for the unhoused that are diverted to CIRCLE include well-being checks, requests for assistance, lack of clothing, noise disturbances, loitering, and syringe disposal.

Crisis and Incident Response through Community-led Engagement Comes to Van Nuys2022-10-24T15:24:09-07:00