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Paul Krekorian Breaks Ground on New Housing for Homeless Veterans in the San Fernando Valley

LOS ANGELES, CA—To combat the extreme shortage of affordable housing for homeless veterans and chronically homeless families and disabled people, Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, District 2, will join the Skid Row Housing Trust to break ground on the Crest Apartments development, which will provide new, attractive, safe, sustainable and affordable housing for homeless and chronically homeless individuals and veterans with special needs.

This 64 unit, five-story, 45,000 square foot, modern building will provide affordable housing for formerly chronically homeless people, disabled people and 35% of the units will be set aside for homeless veterans. It will also house case management, social services and a federally-qualified health clinic on the premises. With Krekorian’s support, the project received $8.4 million in funding from the City of Los Angeles.

WHAT: Press Conference and groundbreaking ceremony for Crest Apartments, permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans and the disabled.

WHEN: Friday, March 6, 11:00 a.m.

WHERE: 13604 Sherman Way, Valley Glen, CA 91405

WHO: Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Skid Row Housing Trust Fund, Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, LA County Supervisory Sheila Kuehl, community partners, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles and more.

QUOTE: “One of the biggest problems facing Los Angeles is the lack of affordable housing,” said Krekorian. “There is a vast shortage in all neighborhoods, but it is especially hard if you are chronically homeless, disabled or a veteran. These are exactly the folks who will benefit from the Crest Apartments. Crest will help the city move toward our goal of eliminating veterans’ homelessness by the end of 2015 and will make life easier and better for our most vulnerable residents.”

VISUALS: Krekorian, community partners will dig into the ground to begin the construction phase on the empty lot.


Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian, chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, represents Council District 2, which includes North Hollywood, Studio City, Valley Village and other communities in the east San Fernando Valley. He also serves on the Metro Board of Directors.

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