The official election results were released on May 26th and are shown below.
Congratulations to the new people who will join the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council in July:
- Jeffrey Dunn (Resident Rep Zone 3)
- Kibwe Trim (At-Large Resident Rep Seat 1)
- Haille Trimboli (At Large Residential Renter Rep Seat 1)
- Myrra Bolla (Non-Profit Rep Seat 1)
Congratulations to current Council members who will each start a new term in July:
- Mike Browning (Resident Rep Zone 1)
- Hakop “Jack” Azatyan (Commercial Business Owner Seat 1)
- John Camera (Religious Institution Rep)
- Lillian Macias (Youth Rep)
- John Hendry (Senior Rep)
A big thank you to everyone who participated. As discussed at Candidate Forums, we hope that everyone who ran in these elections will join in the work of the VNNC — through participation on a committee, help with events, making public comments at meetings, and other opportunities that will arise.