
Van Nuys Cleanup Day yesterday.

VNNC General Board Meeting Agenda

November 9, 2016 (Wednesday 7:00- 10:00 pm)

Van Nuys Constituents Center,

6262 Van Nuys Blvd. Conference Room 1A

Van Nuys, CA 91401-2707

  1. Call To Order & Pledge Of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Officer Reports
    • A. President’s Report – Jeff Lynn (2 Minutes) Speaker’s Times, Cell Phones, Conversations, Correspondence Received. Introductions of first time attending stakeholders.*Speaker Cards: 2, minutes, 2 Public Comment Times. (This includes speaker cards on agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per stakeholder.)
    • Vice-President’s Report – Jason Ackerman (2 Minutes)
    • Secretary’s Report (3 Minutes)
      1. Approval of the August 10, 2016 VNNC General Board Meeting Minutes
    • Treasurer’s Report — Stacey Rains and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory)
      1. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for October 2016 (3 Minutes)
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction not on the agenda.) 2 minutes Maximum per person, 20 minutes Maximum time for PublicComment under this item
  5. Reports from Public Officials/Departments/Community Agencies: (20 minutes)
    • A. Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, NC Budget Advocates, BONC, Related Groups.
    • B. LAPD Senior Lead Officers (SLOs), Community Police Advisory Board, & LAFD Captains, City Attorney’s Office Elected Officials and Field Reps
  6. Committee Chairperson’s Reports. (3 Minutes Each)
    • PLUM (Planning and Land Use Management) Committee
    • Executive Committee
    • Outreach Committee
    • LIC (Legislative Information Committee)
    • SCOPE (Special Committee On Policy Education)
  7. Old Business
    1. Presentation by candidates Wendy Molina and Jeanette Hopp and election new council member to fill vacant VNNC Non-profit Seat #2 3 minutes for presentations by each and 2 minutes for Q+A (10 Minutes Total)
  8. Information Items (No votes may be taken on these items)
    1. Presentation and by Mercy Alpert re “Don’t Go Back” Halfway House for Men in Van Nuys (5 Minutes) Presentation by Bladimir Campos re sanitation plan for Van Nuys. (10 Minutes Including Q+A)
  9. New Business:
    • Planning and Land Use Management Committee
      1. 6639 Norwich Ave. Second Dwelling Unit. A Zoning Variance to allow 2nd dwelling unit in a R1-1 Zone with yard setback and fence height adjustments. Case no#: ZA-2015-4305-ZV-ZAA-F (Diahanne Payne/Plans Are Us) (10 minutes Including Q+A) Supporting Docs: chief-architect-premier-x5_-24×36-layout-6639-norwich-actual-1 letter-of-consent-october-29-2015 case-mlu-applic118
      2. 14306 Oxnard street. Zone Variance. Allow continued maintenance and operation of automotive repair with spray paint booth in existing CM-1 zone closer than 500 feet of R-2 zone. (Tigran Vardanyan/SoCal Collision Center) ( 10 minutes Including Q+A). Supporting Docs.: 14306-oxnard-nc-exhibits
    • Outreach Committee
      1. Motion: The Van Nuys Neighborhood to purchase turkey and sides for the Thanksgiving Dinner at Van Nuys Park for up to 350 stakeholders (NTE $2,500) (5 minutes)
      2. Motion: The VNNC to organize 2 holiday events for December 2016 to serve the children and homeless stakeholders of Van Nuys (NTE $2,500 for both) (5 minutes)
    • Budget & Finance Committee
      1. The VNNC to Co-Sponsor a presentation of the Kaiden Project by the Rogue Artists Ensemble at the Japanese Garden (6100 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA, 91401) on December 4, 2016 (NTE$2,500) (5 Minutes)
      2. Proposal that the VNNC Co-Sponsor and fund New Economics Women’s “Holiday with a Heart” event in Van Nuys, on December 10, 2016 (NTE $1,000) (5 minutes) Supporting Docs:
      3. Proposal that the VNNC provide funding to Children of the Night for their ongoing services in the Van Nuys Community (NTE $2,500) (5 Minutes)
      4. Proposal that the VNNC provide funding to co-sponsor movie nights at Hazeltine Elementary and Van Nuys Elementary on December 3rd 2016 and December 10, 2016 (NTE $1,000) (5 Minutes)
    • Executive Committee
      1. The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council to approve the language of the Van Nuys Area Dash Route Recommendations Resolution regarding the proposed changes to DASH Routes in serving Van Nuys and the San Fernando Valley, to be submitted as a letter to Phil Aker and GM Seleta Reynolds at LADOT and as a CIS once an appropriate Council File is opened.- Jason Ackerman & Jerry Martin (10 Minutes)
      2. Funding request from Glenn Bailey asking that the VNNC provide a donation for the 11/10/16 VANC Planning Forum and the 3/9/17 VANC Mixer, NTE $500. (10 Minutes)
      3. Presentation and funding request by Saaliha Khan of Northeast Valley Health Corporation requesting the VNNC assist/co-sponsor the Northeast Valley Health Corporation Toy Drive, Not to exceed (NTE) $300. (5 Minutes) The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council to purchase a gavel and sound block set for the VNNC Budget and Finance Committee Chair for use during meetings NTE $40 (3 Minutes) Supporting Docs.: vn toy-drive-letter_vnnc nevhcirsletter
  10. Consent Calendar. All Items on the Consent Calendar are non-funding items passed by Committees of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council with unanimous support and deemed non-controversial. Any Item on the Consent Calendar may be pulled via public comment card or at the request of a board member. All Items removed from the Consent Calendar are moved to the following section if needed. All remaining items may be approved with one vote. (5 Minutes)
    • A. PLUM Committee
      1. Administration Item. Asking the VNNC to support the call for Mayor Eric Garcetti, LADWP to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030, to refrain from any new investments in fossil fuel infrastructure, and to ensure that all residents of Los Angeles reap the benefits of the transition to renewable energy. Discussion and Action. Supporting Docs.:why_renewable_energy_2016_10-22 suggested_text_for_motion_2016_09-18 renewable_energy_letter_2016_09-18
    • B. Executive Committee
      1. Proposal that The SCOPE committee organize a forum on the proposed developments at 6569 Van Nuys Blvd and 6009 Van Nuys Blvd, both of which have been put on Survey LA, event planning process to include John Hendry.
    • C. Legislative Information Committee (LIC)
      • MOTION: The VNNC to charge the LIC and Government Affairs and Bylaws Committees to hold a joint meeting to develop operating procedures on submittal requirements of written material by way of electronic format and number of paper copies provided before acceptance as an agendized item, due by the January 2017 General Board meeting.
      • MOTION: The VNNC to set-up a designated E-mail address for the Legislative Information Committee Chair
  11. Items Removed From the Consent Calendar
    1. Items moved here from Item 10 if pulled from the Consent Calendar
  12. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction not on the agenda.) 2 minutes Maximum per person, 20 minutes Maximum time for Public Comment under this item
  13. Announcements
  14. Adjournment
