VAN NUYS, CA — The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is pleased to announce the involvement of Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian in the “Homelessness & Mental Illness” Summit next month. The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is hosting this Special Council Meeting on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 at 6:30 pm to address homelessness in the San Fernando Valley and throughout Los Angeles.
“Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian and his office have always been avid supporters of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council. The Councilmember has co-hosted several of our summits, and has spoken at our Council Meetings numerous times. I look forward to working with Councilman Krekorian once again, and coming up with some fresh ideas and new ways to move forward on addressing homelessness in Van Nuys and throughout the San Fernando Valley,” said George Christopher Thomas, President of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council.
Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, Paul Krekorian is a member of the Los Angeles City Council, where he serves as the chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee. Paul graduated from Reseda’s Cleveland High School before earning his B.A. in political science from the University of Southern California and a law degree from UC Berkeley. Upon graduating, he spent two decades practicing business, entertainment, and property litigation, while also devoting his time to reduce domestic and gang violence.
In 2006, Paul was elected to the California State Assembly, representing the 43rd District working to increase government accountability and transparency as co-chair of the Legislative Ethics Committee. In Sacramento, Paul worked on landmark legislation to improve the environment and authored the state’s first successful film and television production tax incentive, which stemmed the tide of runaway production and secured thousands of jobs.
In 2009, Paul won a seat on the Los Angeles City Council, where he has continued to advocate for public safety, open space and a dedication to providing the city’s core services. Less than two years into his tenure, he was tapped to lead the important Budget and Finance Committee and has worked to improve the basic financial structure of the city of Los Angeles. Paul lives in the San Fernando Valley with his wife and three children.
“It is a great honor and privilege to work alongside all of the high profile speakers we have scheduled for the summit this December. Each one brings an interesting and unique perspective to addressing homelessness in the San Fernando Valley. This is a major issue in Van Nuys, as well as throughout the Valley and Southern California. This summit is a perfect opportunity to come together with community leaders in our area, and really tackle this terrible problem head-on,” said George Christopher Thomas, President of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council.
A list of confirmed speakers include but are not limited to: Don LeStrange, Van Nuys LAPD Volunteer and Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) Homeless Committee Chair. Representatives from the Office of Councilwoman Nury Martinez (CD6). Anthony Gonzales from the Village Family Center in North Hollywood. Ryan Bell from Community Outreach for PATH in Los Angeles. Representatives from the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission. Representatives from the National Coalition For The Homeless. Representatives from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. Representatives from the Weingart Center Association. Representatives from the Homeless Health Care Los Angeles. Representatives from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. And representatives from the Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger & Homelessness.
The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council meets at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard and the Summit will take place in the Council Chambers starting at 6:30 pm. If your Neighborhood Council or organization would like to co-host this summit with the VNNC, please email Council President George Thomas at For more information please visit The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is the largest Neighborhood Council in the San Fernando Valley, and the second largest of all 95 Neighborhood Council’s in Los Angeles. (