orange g line metro

Metro G Line Improvements Project (Orange Line)

Metro G Line Improvements Project – Van Nuys Station Demolition

Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around LA, including better transit service in the San Fernando Valley. The G Line Improvements Project will bring upgrades to the existing line with grade separations on major streets, better signal priority technology and a four-quadrant gating system for a faster trip. Metro will close the Van Nuys Metro G Line Station along with the G Line Bike Path to begin construction of two aerial bridges over Van Nuys Boulevard and Vesper Avenue as part of the G line Improvements Project.

Metro will soon close Van Nuys Station to initiate the construction of two bridges at Van Nuys Bl and Vesper Av and a new aerial station at Van Nuys Bl. Construction could begin as early as February 21, 2025, through late 2027.

Work Location: Metro G Line alignment between Van Nuys Bl and Sepulveda Bl.

Construction Work Hours: Monday to Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Intermittent Weekend work from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM or Nighttime Work from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Weather permitting. *Depending upon variance permit approvals from the City of Los Angeles

What to Expect 

  • Full Van Nuys Station and Parking Lots Closure including removal of TAP Vending Machines
  • G Line Bus Detour along Oxnard St with stop at Van Nuys Bl
  • G Line Bike Path Closure and Detour between Sepulveda Bl and Tyrone Av
  • East and West Van Nuys Bl Pedestrian Sidewalk Closures, pedestrian circulation will be maintained
  • Access Sepulveda Station parking lot via Haskell Av or Erwin St

For more information on the Metro G Line Improvements Project, please visit the project website at, call the project hotline at 213.922.2999, or email them at .

Metro GLine Van Nuys Station bus and bike path detours Feb 2025