VNNC Board Meeting

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Join us Wednesday, March 13, 7pm at the Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center Council Chambers, 6262 Van Nuys Blvd, for our next Van Nuys Neighborhood Council meeting.

Please join us Wednesday night for all the fun and excitement a local government can give you. And thank you for being involved in the community!

Our agenda includes:

  • Support for mural through the People Street Program
  • Support for Liam’s Law to reduce blood alcohol level from .08 to .05.
  • Electing a new Parliamentarian
  • Selecting an Education Chair
  • Appointing new board members
  • Support for video conferencing in Van Nuys City Hall and call for County to hold Supervisor meetings in Van Nuys City Hall.

March 13, 2019 Revised Agenda

Original Agenda: March 13, 2019 Board Agenda

March 13, 2019 Special Agenda

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