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UnlitterLA Routes | 60 Volunteers
Pilot cleanup in conjunction with L.A. Sanitation Dept’s Earth Day Event
We will be shaking out our UnlitterLA concept of simultaneously cleaning multiple walking routes. Teams of 6-10 volunteers will each walk an approximate 4-mile route, picking up litter from sidewalks, gutters, and fences. Your help and feedback will be key to our large-scale event.

Each route starts and ends at one of three LA Metro Orange Line express bus stations – Woodley, Balboa, and Sepulveda. Kicking off with a morning briefing and distribution of any needed supplies (bags, gloves, grabbers, maps, etc), volunteers head out to clean their routes. Afterward, volunteers can enjoy the Earth Day event in the park!

Check in at 8AM, cleanup concludes around 1PM, Earth Day event runs til 2PM with free food/drink (while supplies last), 50+ exhibit booths, and fun stuff for the entire family.

More info about the City’s Earth Day event can be found at: L.A. City Sanitation’s Earth Day LA

OPEN TO ALL AGES – A parent or legal guardian must accompany or personally sign the release at the event for anyone under 18. If you are bringing a child who will NOT be working, there is no need to sign the child up, however you will still need to sign the WAIVER for the child at the event.

Route map

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