
River Workshop: Reimagine Our Waterways

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The Upper Los Angeles River & Tributaries Working Group is hosting two free workshops to discuss the Upper Los Angeles River planning efforts and we’d love for you to join the conversation. Each workshop will include an update on the work to date, a summary of community feedback, and an overview of concepts being considered for the plan. We want to hear your thoughts on how these concepts contribute to the neighborhoods near the river and tributaries. This meeting is open to the public and we invite your questions and comments. Refreshments and snacks provided and admission to the Discovery Cube – Sylmar and Dreamworks is also free! RSVP is highly encouraged.

Tuesday, July 9
6 PM – 8 PM
Thursday, July 11
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Discovery Cube
11800 Foothill Blvd

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