Purposeful Aging Town Hall

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Everyone is invited to attend the upcoming Purposeful Aging Town Hall for Neighborhood Councils on Thursday, November 29 at 6:30 pm

You will receive parking information after you RSVP, and parking passes will only be given to those who register by Tuesday, November 27 at 5 pm To RSVP, please click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/purposeful-aging-town-hall-for-neighborhood-councils-tickets-51605084196

Speakers included so far:

· General Manager from the Department of Aging, Laura Trejo, will give a presentation on the recently released report titled, “Age-Friendly Action Plan For The Los Angeles Region: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/571a85103c44d84c6d2d5002/t/5b69c01d6d2a73dcca449412/1533657149897/Age-Friendly+Action+Plan+for+the+Los+Angeles+Region+2018-2021+%28V.8%29.compressed.pdf.

· Director of ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center, Jenna Hauss, will do a presentation about their organization, and how they work with communities in their coverage area. ONEgeneration is located in Reseda, and is 1 of 16 Multipurpose Senior Centers (MPC) across the City that have contracts and get funding by the city and federal government to help provide services and programs to older adults: http://www.onegeneration.org/. To find the MPC near you, please click here: http://aging.lacity.org/index.php?fetch=mpc

If you know an older adult who needs help with any services, programs, or information, please call the Department of Aging at (213) 482-7252. They are open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Also, here is the link to their website: http://aging.lacity.org/.

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