North SFV Transit Corridor Project Community Meeting

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Metro has a plan to make it easier to get around LA, with better transit across the North Valley. The North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project will improve east-west transit service with better access to jobs, education and essential services.

This new approach, called the BRT Network Improvements, is the result of extensive outreach and Metro Board direction following prior studies and completion of an Alternatives Analysis for a single-line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in 2019.

The BRT Network Improvements would provide the following benefits:

> Faster, more frequent and more reliable bus service
> Improved connections to the regional transit network
> Better access to important destinations across the region
> More transit to meet growing demand
> Enhanced bus stops
> Service improvements that are brought to riders sooner

Join us at the upcoming virtual community meeting.
The North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project is pursuing a Statutory Exemption through Senate Bill 288 (SB 288) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Senate Bill 288 (SB 288), signed into law on September 28, 2020, provides a new statutory California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for transit prioritization projects which include signal coordination, installation of dedicated transit lanes, conversion of general-purpose lanes to bus-only lanes either during peak hours or all day, and construction of stations on existing public rights-of-way (ROW). Metro identified this project as a candidate for exemption under SB 288. Since NSFV BRT Network Improvements is valued over $100M, the next steps for compliance under SB 288 include the preparation of a project business case and racial equity analysis, and conducting public outreach meetings.

As part of this exemption process, Metro will present a project business case and racial equity analysis at the upcoming virtual community meeting.

Thursday, September 29, 6-8pm
Call-in: 888 788 0099 (toll free)
ID: 844 0052 0533

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