Homelessness Resource Fair

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Homelessness Resource Fair

Homelessness Resource Fair April 20: Learn How You Can Help Solve Homelessness in LA

Homelessness in LA is a complex issue. So many people want to help solve homelessness in their communities, and don’t know where to start. Our Homelessness Resource Fair is a starting point where Angelenos can learn how they can start making a difference right away.

You’ll be able to connect to other local advocates for the homeless and organizations that provide homeless services, and learn how you can extend these services to homeless neighbors in your own community. At the Fair, you’ll also hear from government agencies who will present an update on their projects and policies (including Measures H and HHH, and A Bridge Home).

This event is organized by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment in partnership with the office of LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis and the office of Mayor Eric Garcetti. Come meet fellow community members, advocacy coalitions, Neighborhood Councils, and non-profit organizations are working on everyday ways to help our fellow Angelenos who live on our streets!

A hygiene product drive will also be part of the event, so please bring any items you have to donate.

RSVP now at this link, to let us know you’re coming, and to reserve your free parking space: http://tiny.cc/LAHRF

Homelessness Resource Fair

Saturday April 20th

9 am – 1 pm

Grand Park

200 N Grand Ave, DTLA

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