
Budget Day

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Budget Day

Join us Saturday, June 29th, 2019 when the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates host the annual Budget Day at City Hall in Downtown Los Angeles! Invitations are extended to everyone; Los Angeles stakeholders, Neighborhood Council Board Members, Elected Officials, City Employees and members of the press and anyone interested in learning more about our City’s budget.

Registration is now open! Follow the link here: http://bit.ly/BudgetDay2019.

On the 29th, registration and breakfast will begin at 7:30am in the 3rd floor rotunda. As breakfast concludes, guests will be invited into the John Ferraro Council Chamber for discussions on the City’s Budget. Not only about the changes and initiatives driving the FY19/20 plan, but the actual process and timeline.

Speakers for the day will include our Elected Officials, Department Representatives, and Budget Advocate leadership. As guests speakers are confirmed, additional details will be released.

Following the general session, attendees will be invited to smaller working groups with members from their respective areas in the City to discuss their greatest concerns, thoughts and suggestions on how their quality of life and how to improve it.

Here, each person will be able to share their priorities and get a better understanding of the Budget process to understand how they can influence the decisions made by our elected officials. Current members of the Budget Advocates will help facilitate the discussion and ensure everyone’s thoughts are documented so the Committee can incorporate them into their process this fiscal year.

When the discussion is concluded, elections will be held to fill vacant seats on the Budget Advocate Committee. Elections are open to stakeholders who have been formally appointed as a Budget Representative by their Neighborhood Councils.

For more information on registering for the event, what’s involved in Budget Advocacy or general questions, email the Executive Committee at LABudgetAdvocates@gmail.com.

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