Calling All Urban Forest Advocates!

broken sidewalk Calling All Urban Forest Advocates!

LA’s sidewalks have reached a tripping point!

Join us on June 10th, along with our partners Investing in Place, Los Angeles Walks, AARP California, and others for The Tripping Point: Advocacy Summit for Completing Streets in LA! Broken sidewalks, dangerous crosswalks, missing bus shelters and hot, unshaded streets are the norm in too many neighborhoods. Angelenos deserve better!

At this half-day summit of keynotes, interactive trainings and workshops, you and other urban forest champions will learn the skills, tools, strategies, and insights to become better advocates for:

  • Healthier street trees;
  • Accessible, safe sidewalks;
  • Safe crosswalks; and
  • More bus shelters

Ready to dig in? Join us and our partners KYCC for a community organizing workshop at the Summit, “Urban Forestry: Growing a Healthy Street Tree Canopy for All.” Here, you can share experiences and learn solutions on how to work with the City of LA and the Urban Forestry Division to protect trees and people.

LA depends on trees for their life-saving benefits.

Stand up. Join the movement for a safer and accessible LA.

RSVP Today!


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