IMG_0684Greetings Van Nuys Community and stakeholders,

Today, The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUM) is having our monthly meeting at the Community Room in Van Nuys community Police Station from 6:30 -10:00pm. The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council encourage the community members & stakeholders  to engage in land use entitlements that will shape our area. Below is the agenda for the PLUM Committee meeting with some documents provided by the applicants for each line item agenda:

1. Call To Order & Pledge Of Allegiance To the United States of America.

2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)

3. Comments from the Chair — Speakerʼs Times, Cell Phones, Conversations, Correspondence
Received. Introductions of first time attending stakeholders. *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 2 Public Comment Times. (This includes speaker cards on agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per stakeholder.)

4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Boardʼs Jurisdiction.)

5. New Business
A. Ad-hoc Community Beautification Committee – Course of action; outreach, partnership, location, data.

  • A1. People St. update: final decision on location of parklet, continue outreach and support from business. Deadline to submit: April 30, 2014.

B. 14401 Valerio Street: Resubmittal; Change R1 Zone into an RD 1.5 Zone for a small lot subdivision. Planning committee ask at the previous meeting to outreach to the neighbors for their input, reduce the amount of units to allow for guest parking & open space, and revise the design of exterior elevations. Case no.: APCSV-2013-3648-2C (Regina Minon) Supporting documents for review: 14401 Valerio St_2014.2.14 SITE-13021-2-26-2014

C. 5944 Calhoun Ave./ 14157 W. Tiara St. Resubmittal: Subdivision of one existing lot into 3 unit new condominiums in RD2-1 Multi-Family zone. To allow subdivision of one lot into 3-unit new condominiums, waiver from final parcel map and letter of approval. – Case no.: AA 2014-200 – (Hayk Martirosian). Supporting documents for review: 11X17 FINAL arch details EAST AND WEST GROUND FLOOR NORTH AND SOUTH ROOF PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN SECTIONS SITE PLAN THIRD FLOOR PLAN UNIT 02 UNIT 03 UNIT O1

D. 7036-7040 N Van Nuys Boulevard. Resubmittal: Elder Facility Unified Permit and Site Plan review. Proposed project is for the new construction of a 5-story, 132-unit licensed Residential Care Facility for the elderly (RCFE) with 87,875 square feet of floor area and 61 parking spacing. – Case no.: ZA 2014-0625 – (Dana A. Sayles) Supporting Documents for review: Site Plan_BINDER SET wo AC 2014 04 08 Arch drawings

E. 6908 Vesper Avenue: – Resubmittal: Demolish existing 12-unit apartment and build a new 3- Story apartment building with semi-subterranean parking garage. 49 units & 75 parking stalls. Asking for letter of support for affordable Housing (Density Bo nus) with 2 menu incentives: height & sideyard. – Case no.: DIR 2013-3200-DB (Robert Lamishaw) Supporting documents for review: A1.1 041114 A2.1 110413 A2.2 041114 A2.3 041114 A2.4 041114 A2.5 041114 A3.1rev 021814 A3.2rev 021814

F. Additional items.

G. Request for letters of support.

6. Public Comment

7. Announcements

8. Adjournment
