Roll Out the Rain Barrels


Roll Out the Rain Barrels

Even though LA often doesn’t see its first significant rain event until November or December, October does signify the “official” start of the rainy season here in Southern California as is evidenced by the rain earlier this month. And, with California’s drought far from over, it’s still vital that Angelenos conserve water and harvest rainwater. Now is the perfect time to take a look at your rain barrels and ensure that they’re good to go for the coming rainy season. Follow these five steps and your rain barrel will be ready to catch every last drop:

  • Inspect and clean your home’s gutters and downspouts to make sure they’re clear of debris.
  • Inspect your rain barrel and spigot for cracks and remove any debris that has collected over the summer.
  • Flush out your rain barrel with water from your hose. For super dirty barrels, add 2 teaspoons of a biodegradable soap and 2 teaspoons of vinegar to the barrel before rinsing.
  • Open the overflow valve at the top of the barrel.
  • Consider connecting more barrels together to capture even more rainwater. Those barrels fill up fast!

Interested in capturing even more rain drops? We make it easy to learn more about rainwater harvesting. Winter rains will be here before we know it, so get prepared for the rain and roll out those rain barrels!


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