Call for Cool Blocks LA Leaders


Call for Cool Blocks LA Leaders

The Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA), in partnership with the City of Los Angeles, seeks volunteers in each Council District who wish to make their neighborhoods greener, healthier, and safer, and who would like to learn about the new Cool Blocks LA pilot program that brings Angelenos together to achieve these goals using an innovative neighbor-to-neighbor engagement and support model.

Cool Blocks LA Leaders are building a more sustainable, resilient and socially connected LA — block by block — while also honing their leadership, coaching, and team-building skills.

Join the NCSA at a Cool Block Cafe on either Sat., Oct. 8 or Sat., Oct 15 to learn all about the program and becoming a Cool Blocks LA Leader!

Click here for more information, and RSVP now for a Cool Block Café to learn more and meet other prospective leaders. And please spread the word!


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