I hope this posting finds you well. Recently, I had sent all of you information about a workshop being held by the City’s Sanitation Department for their Clean Streets program. The program tries to kick-start and encourage neighborhood clean ups. The program gives a small grant that can help cover the cost of the event and a possible reward for the clean up afterward. They’re still trying to finalize how much, when and how they’ll precisely measure a potential reward payout.
They encourage to have at least three community partners (An NC, a non-profit, a Council office, Homeowner Associations, etc.). I know all of us have brought up the idea of having a cleanup day, but since many, if not most of our streets, are kept up well(In the CD2 Van Nuys area), if we had a traditional cleanup day, it wouldn’t give our volunteers a reasonable amount of things to do.
I know that in the past Van Nuys has had cleanup days. But what I’d like to do is to take that to take the regular cleanups to the next level. What the Sanitation Department emphasizes is the collection of data via the 311 app and how it can help with providing increased and more efficient City services.
The clean up day we would be a mix of a cleanup day and an educational campaign to inform our residents of the services that the City provides. After the cleanup, we can use a portion of the grant money given, for a community BBQ to show our thanks and appreciation to our volunteers.
What the Van Nuys Clean Streets Day will consist of…
- Getting a team of volunteers to download, use, and get educated about the 311 app.
- Divide volunteers into teams and form grids for teams to walk/drive.
- While walking these teams will report bulky items(via the 311 app.), clean up trash, and pass out informational flyers about how to report bulky items.
- Mid-Valley Police Council
- Community Police Advisory Board
- Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
- Council District 2
Possible Flyers:
- 311 Flyers (To inform resdients of City services)
- VNNC information Flyers
- Movie Night Flyers
- Fireworks flyer
There is an application process for this grant/ award. The application I believe is now due in late September, so we really should discuss any possibilities of a team effort as soon as possible.
I think that all the groups I’ve mentioned above, want to improve and create a greater sense of community in Van Nuys, and I think having all of us work together like we’ve done in the past, is a good first(second) step in getting there.
1) Break-up of the streets into grids
2) Map of the parts of Van Nuys CD2 covers.
The ask: Would Van Nuys Neighborhood Council like to partner up for a cleanup day, with our Council office, and Mid-Valley Police Council?
VNNC and our Council Office would work together to organize the event, and help get volunteers out for the day of the clean up.
Working together we can get more accomplished, than either one of us alone. If you have any questions or thoughts, please let me know! We would love to work with the Neighborhood Council and improve our community.
Thank you,
Sahag Yedalian
Council District 2 Field Deputy