
Interior Picture of Van Nuys Savings and Loan @ 6559 Van Nuys Blvd.

To whom it may concern,

Due to a typo on our agenda for the VNNC Executive Board that was scheduled last night at the Van Nuys Public Library was postponed and reschedule for tomorrow at the same time and location.

We apologized for the accident and hope to serve the community of Van Nuys.

VNNC Executive Special Meeting Agenda

September 8, 2016 (Thursday 6:30- 8:00 pm)

Van Nuys Public Library, Backroom of Library

6257 Sylmar Avenue.

Van Nuys, CA 91401

  1. Call To Order & Pledge Of Allegiance To the United States of America.
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Comments from the Chair — Speaker’s Times, Cell Phones, Conversations, Correspondence Received and approval of minutes. Introductions of first time attending stakeholders. *Speaker Cards: 2, minutes, 2 Public Comment Times. (This includes speaker cards on agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per stakeholder.)
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.)
  5. Secretary’s Report – Jeremy Pessoa
  6. Treasurer’s Report — Stacey Rains and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report & Elected Officials’ Reports.
  8. Old Business:
    • A. None
  9. New Business:
    • A. Administrative item. Proposal for Budget Advocate to give report at beginning of each General Meeting NTE 5 minutes. (Jay Handel)
    • B. Administrative item. Council to discuss the applications of Wendy Molina and Jeanette Hopp seeking for a position at the Non-Profit Board Seat# 2.
    • C. Administrative item. Proposal that all VNNC Committee agendas must first be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee for accuracy before being posted and disseminated. (Howard Benjamin)
    • D. 6600 Van Nuys Blvd. Mixed-use project. 5 Story mixed-use project with 4-floors of 54 apartment rental units (48 market, 6 VL), over 3,160 Sq. ft. ground floor commercial space and adjoining parking space. Case #: DIR-2016-2062. (Shahab Ghods/ Plus Architects)
    • E. 6569 N. Van Nuys Blvd. Mixed-use project. 184-unit mixed use apartments w/ approximately 20,000 sq. ft of commercial space. Developers request to consist of a zone change from P-1VL to Mixed Use (Commercial & Residential) + Density Bonus; 168 Market Rate units with 16 earmarked for Very Low income units. In addition, owners are requesting an increase the density bonus above 35% and increase the affordable unit set-aside. Asking for a Letter of Support. (Boaz Miodovsky/ Ketter Designs)
    • F. Outreach CommitteeThanksgiving Event. Proposal for a Thanksgiving event hosted by the VNNC in coordination with the Department of Parks & Recreation at Van Nuys Recreational Center. (Maria Skelton/ VNNC Outreach Chair)
    • G. Outreach CommitteeChristmas Event. Proposal for a Christmas event hosted by the VNNC in coordination with the Department of Parks & Recreation at Van Nuys Recreational Center. (Maria Skelton/ VNNC Outreach Chair)
    • H. Outreach – Proposal for VNNC to purchase 500 VNNC logo bags for Outreach Committee purposes. (Howard Benjamin)
    • I. Outreach – Proposal for VNNC to purchase 61 light pole banners to replace those damaged by wind NTE $8,250. (Howard Benjamin)
    • J. Administrative item. Discussion of possible locations and cost of rental of office space for the VNNC.
    • K. Administrative item. Proposal for VNNC to hire a note taker to assist the Secretary in recording minutes of the General Meeting (Jason Ackerman).
    • L. Administrative item. Proposal for VNNC to send letter to Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE), Mayor Eric Garcetti and City Controller Ron Galperin demanding that VNNC (Purchasing) P Card spending limit to be raised to $2,500 per day. (Howard Benjamin).
    • M. Clean Streets Proposal for Van Nuys. Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will discuss in participating in the city’s program Clean Streets which will partner with Mid Valley Police Council and other Neighborhood Councils & Associations. (Sahag Yedalian/ District 6th Field Deputy).
  1. Public Comment
  2. Announcements
  3. Adjourn

September VNNC Executive Special Mtg