

I hope this email finds you well. The Coalition to Save LA’s Neighborhoods continues to work to persuade the City Council to reject the proposed repeal of LA’s second dwelling unit ordinance. We appreciate your continued support in this effort.


City Watch LA has recently published an article on this issue. The article can be accessed through the link below:


On the Brink of Folly: Will City Council Unwittingly Upzone LA’s Single-Family Neighborhoods? By Carlyle Hall


It is our understanding that the Council will be taking up this issue in the next couple weeks, but, as the article mentions, “it is not too late for the City Council to step away from the brink. The Council can easily reject the Department’s proposed repeal ordinance and act to protect our single-family neighborhoods… Anyone who cares about their neighborhood should call or email their Councilmember immediately to stop the repeal ordinance!”


It is a critical time to make our voices heard with our Council offices. I’ve attached a draft email that we hope you will consider sending to Councilmember Krekorian, Councilmember Ryu, and Councilmember Martinez. We hope that you will forward the email to neighbors and members of your neighborhood association and ask them to call or email the Councilmembers as well.



If you do choose to send an email, the contact information for your Councilmembers and the relevant staffers involved are:


Councilmember Krekorian

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]   



Councilmember Ryu

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]




Councilmember Martinez

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


If you could, please also BCC me and my colleagues at:


D[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


The Council returns from recess on August 1 and it is our understanding they will take take up the second unit ordinance shortly following their return. We must make our voices heard now before they move forward in stripping protections from our neighborhoods.


Again, I urge you to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.






Coalition to Save LA’s Neighborhoods 

e: [email protected]

p: 424-208-3202

Dear Councilmember Krekorian,


I am writing to strongly encourage you to reject the proposed repeal of the City’s existing second dwelling unit ordinance.


A recently published article in City Watch LA effectively lays out the negative impacts a repeal would have on our neighborhoods. The article, On the Brink of Folly: Will City Council Unwittingly Upzone LA’s Single-Family Neighborhoods?, effectively lays out the case against repealing our local ordinance.


After reading the story, it is crystal clear that adopting the lenient State standards for second dwelling is an unnecessary step that would have a major impact on LA’s neighborhoods.


I ask that you maintain our existing, sensible zoning standards that protect single-family neighborhoods throughout the City. It is irresponsible to act so hastily to repeal our standards and gut the character of single family neighborhoods, with no protections for nearby homeowners.


The article lays out some very pertinent questions that must be addressed:


  • Will the City’s homeowners, neighborhood associations and Neighborhood Councils be able to make their voices heard?
  • Will Councilmembers question the advice of the City Attorney and Planning Department that no option other than repeal is “feasible”? Will the City Council decide to pursue another option to maintain its SDU protections?
  • Will Councilmembers question the Planning Department’s policy objective to promote the development of large SDUs on a “one size fits all” approach throughout Los Angeles’ single-family neighborhoods?

Will the Councilmembers who represent Hillside areas realize that these neighborhoods will have no further meaningful protection from SDUs?


If the Council were to repeal the ordinance, Los Angeles would be the only major city in California to abandon its own standards and submit to the State standards.  The permissive State standards’ one-size-fits-all approach in a city as diverse as Los Angeles would operate to the great detriment of our neighborhoods, particularly in our hillside areas.


You have several options to comply with the recent court ruling. There is no reason to simply discard our protective local standards. If revisions to the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance are necessary, at the very least they must be considered with adequate public outreach, not on the current “fast track” basis, so that all stakeholders have the opportunity to consider proposed changes and express their opinion.


Please vote NO on the ill-advised proposal to repeal the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance.



Dear Councilmember Martinez,


I am writing to strongly encourage you to reject the proposed repeal of the City’s existing second dwelling unit ordinance.


A recently published article in City Watch LA effectively lays out the negative impacts a repeal would have on our neighborhoods. The article, On the Brink of Folly: Will City Council Unwittingly Upzone LA’s Single-Family Neighborhoods?, effectively lays out the case against repealing our local ordinance.


After reading the story, it is crystal clear that adopting the lenient State standards for second dwelling is an unnecessary step that would have a major impact on LA’s neighborhoods.


I ask that you maintain our existing, sensible zoning standards that protect single-family neighborhoods throughout the City. It is irresponsible to act so hastily to repeal our standards and gut the character of single family neighborhoods, with no protections for nearby homeowners.


The article lays out some very pertinent questions that must be addressed:


  • Will the City’s homeowners, neighborhood associations and Neighborhood Councils be able to make their voices heard?
  • Will Councilmembers question the advice of the City Attorney and Planning Department that no option other than repeal is “feasible”? Will the City Council decide to pursue another option to maintain its SDU protections?
  • Will Councilmembers question the Planning Department’s policy objective to promote the development of large SDUs on a “one size fits all” approach throughout Los Angeles’ single-family neighborhoods?

Will the Councilmembers who represent Hillside areas realize that these neighborhoods will have no further meaningful protection from SDUs?


If the Council were to repeal the ordinance, Los Angeles would be the only major city in California to abandon its own standards and submit to the State standards.  The permissive State standards’ one-size-fits-all approach in a city as diverse as Los Angeles would operate to the great detriment of our neighborhoods, particularly in our hillside areas.


You have several options to comply with the recent court ruling. There is no reason to simply discard our protective local standards. If revisions to the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance are necessary, at the very least they must be considered with adequate public outreach, not on the current “fast track” basis, so that all stakeholders have the opportunity to consider proposed changes and express their opinion.


Please vote NO on the ill-advised proposal to repeal the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance.



Dear Councilmember Ryu,


I am writing to strongly encourage you to reject the proposed repeal of the City’s existing second dwelling unit ordinance.


A recently published article in City Watch LA effectively lays out the negative impacts a repeal would have on our neighborhoods. The article, On the Brink of Folly: Will City Council Unwittingly Upzone LA’s Single-Family Neighborhoods?, effectively lays out the case against repealing our local ordinance.


After reading the story, it is crystal clear that adopting the lenient State standards for second dwelling is an unnecessary step that would have a major impact on LA’s neighborhoods.


I ask that you maintain our existing, sensible zoning standards that protect single-family neighborhoods throughout the City. It is irresponsible to act so hastily to repeal our standards and gut the character of single family neighborhoods, with no protections for nearby homeowners.


The article lays out some very pertinent questions that must be addressed:


  • Will the City’s homeowners, neighborhood associations and Neighborhood Councils be able to make their voices heard?
  • Will Councilmembers question the advice of the City Attorney and Planning Department that no option other than repeal is “feasible”? Will the City Council decide to pursue another option to maintain its SDU protections?
  • Will Councilmembers question the Planning Department’s policy objective to promote the development of large SDUs on a “one size fits all” approach throughout Los Angeles’ single-family neighborhoods?

Will the Councilmembers who represent Hillside areas realize that these neighborhoods will have no further meaningful protection from SDUs?


If the Council were to repeal the ordinance, Los Angeles would be the only major city in California to abandon its own standards and submit to the State standards.  The permissive State standards’ one-size-fits-all approach in a city as diverse as Los Angeles would operate to the great detriment of our neighborhoods, particularly in our hillside areas.


You have several options to comply with the recent court ruling. There is no reason to simply discard our protective local standards. If revisions to the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance are necessary, at the very least they must be considered with adequate public outreach, not on the current “fast track” basis, so that all stakeholders have the opportunity to consider proposed changes and express their opinion.


Please vote NO on the ill-advised proposal to repeal the Second Dwelling Unit ordinance.

