Dear Stakeholder,

Due to the comments received during the public hearing and outreach process, the Department has taken additional time to further refine the language of both the Small Lot Code Amendment and Design Standards. Additional documents have been added such as a Summary Sheet, Revised Frequently Asked Questions, and an Overview of the Draft Map Standards. The latest draft of the Code Amendment and Design Standards includes refinements that are in response to the comments received.

The following documents are available on the Department of City Planning’s website ( under “News” and “Small Lot Code Amendment and Policy Update”: 

  • Summary Sheet
  • Revised Frequently Asked Questions
  • Draft Small Lot Code Amendment
  • Draft Small Lot Design Standards
  • Overview of the Draft Map Standards

The Small Lot Code Amendment and Design Standards are being issued for an additional round of public review and comment. Please direct your written comments or questions via email by August 8, 2016 to:


Los Angeles Department of City Planning
Urban Design Studio
tel: 213.978.0016  
200 N. Spring St., Suite 705
Los Angeles, CA 90012