Executive Committee Agenda (VNNC)
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
February 1st, 2015 (Monday 6:30pm – 7:50pm)
6250 Sylmar Avenue. — Van Nuys, CA 91401
Van Nuys Public Library

  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Comments from the Chair (President) of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.) *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike)
  5. Secretary’s Report — Jeanette Hopp
  6. Treasurer’s Report — Stacey Rains and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports & Election Chair’s Report
  8. New Business
    • a. The VNNC to fund Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras for the Sepulveda corridor.  The CCTV feed will be watched and monitored by LAPD and trained volunteers to alleviate the ongoing sex trafficking that is so prevalent in the San Fernando Valley.  The CCTV video recordings are to be also used in conjunction with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.  (NTE $20,000)
    • b. The VNNC to schedule and work with Homeless Czar Wendy Gruel and her office to address the ongoing homeless situation in the San Fernando Valley.
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.VNNC.org
