Greetings Good People of Los Angeles,

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2016.

Our Van Nuys Council will be tackling all of the big issues facing Los Angeles this year, including the need for our community to have it’s very own professional football team.

At our general meeting in January, we will begin the process of working with the National Football League in getting Los Angeles an expansion football team.  I personally attended the last Los Angeles Raiders game against the Kansas City Chiefs at the Coliseum, and it was a sad day for all of us who love American football and the amount of time that has passed since that day with no football in Los Angeles is an absolute travesty.

At the end of the day, our great city needs and deserves a professional football team, and the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will be making it one of our top priorities to bring football back to Los Angeles, and hopefully with a new expansion team.  (We could call the team the Los Angeles Earthquakes, and just be done with it.)

We are also beginning to undertake the very ambitious notion of creating a “Business Improvement District” (BID) along Van Nuys Boulevard from Sherman Oaks through Van Nuys all the way up to Pacoima.  (The entire length of Van Nuys Boulevard, including Panorama City & Arleta as well.)  If you would like to get involved and help create this BID, please let me know.  Cheers.

It is a special privilege to serve as the Council President and Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President & Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

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OFFICIAL LANGUAGE FROM THE AGENDA — The VNNC to address the need for Los Angeles to have a permanent professional football team, with the possibility of our city receiving an expansion team from the NFL.  The VNNC to also possibly explore building a stadium in the Valley to be the official home of the next expansion team coming to Los Angeles. The VNNC to submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) supporting the idea of a new expansion team, with it being owned by the people of Los Angeles.  The VNNC to contact the NFL, and Los Angeles City leaders to facilitate a meeting and make this happen.  In the interests of expanding the NFL, the VNNC to also recommend an expansion team in London, England to even the number of teams out, and to bring American Football to the good people of Britain.
