Invitation to LA Board of Animal Services Commission Meeting on 12/8/15

animalservices Invitation to LA Board of Animal Services Commission Meeting on 12/8/15

Next Tuesday, December 8, 2015, the Board of the Los Angeles Animal Services Commissionwill hold its meeting in the Mount Washington/Montecito Heights area. On behalf of Commission President David Zaft, Commissioners Jennifer Brent, Roger Wolfson, Alana Yañez and myself, Larry Gross, we would like to extend an invitation to attend our meeting at 7:00 PM at the Ramona Hall Community Center (Between Ave 43 & Ave 50, Just West of 110 Freeway), 4580 North Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90065.

We encourage community members to attend the meeting and make their concerns regarding animal issues in the City of Los Angeles known directly to officials of the Animal Services Department.

The Department of Animal Services is making significant strides in ensuring the protection and safety of our animals. Euthanasia rates have dropped dramatically in the past two years. We recently were provided new enforcement tools to help ensure our laws protecting animals and the public is upheld. We have also been authorized to fill 8 vacant Animal Control Officer (ACO) positions and 12 new ACO positions. We also have an additional 12 ACO positions if we have savings to cover those positions. While we are making progress on many other fronts more is needed to increase adoptions and educate the public on why it is crucial to spay or neuter. We need your help and support on these issues.

The agenda for this meeting will be posted on Friday, December 4th, on the Department’s website at

Please join us. Attached is a bilingual (English/Spanish) leaflet announcing the meeting. Help us spread the word by distributing the leaflet to neighbors, friends, Neighborhood Council members and other parties of interest.

Spanish language and sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request prior to the meeting. For information please call (213) 482-9597.

Hope to see you Tuesday evening.


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