Delano Park in Van Nuys

Delano Park in Van Nuys

1. Call To Order & Pledge Of Allegiance To the United States of America.

2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)

3. Comments from the Chair — Speaker’s Times, Cell Phones, Conversations,
Correspondence Received. Introductions of first time attending stakeholders. *Speaker Cards: 2, minutes, 2 Public Comment Times. (This includes speaker cards on agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per stakeholder.)
4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.)

5. New Business

  • a. Election Outreach
  • b. Ways in which to increase voter turnout
  • c. Community concerns d. Welcome new business
  • e. Additional items.
  • f. Request for letters of support
  • g. Start planning the 4th of July Celebration

6. Public Comment

7. Announcements

8. Adjournment