A free Tenants Rights in Eviction workshop will be presented by City of Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) in its North Valley office at 10:30 am this Thursday, May 21 at 6640 Van Nuys Blvd. RSVP by calling 213 928-9075. Each month HCIDLA offers housing workshops for landlords and tenants that address various topics. Click here for the full 2015 workshop schedule and its locations that serve you.

Renters may also attend Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) meetings for assistance. Our next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 pm Tuesday, May 19. Click here for details.

Helpful links for more information
HCIDLA Office Locations

First Tuesday of the Month HCIDLA Drop In Sessions
Free assistance for landlords and tenants with Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO) applications, calculating allowable rent increases, and filing tenant complaints.

Note that this only applies for properties that qualify as RSO, and this does not apply for market rate properties built after the city’s RSO-qualified period. Call 866 557-7368 to learn if your rental property is enforced by the City of Los Angeles’ Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO).

Housing rights clinics sponsored by Southern California Housing Rights Center
~ Every Tuesday and Thursday CD9 Field Office from 9 am to Noon
4301 South Central Avenue, Los Angeles 90011

~ 2nd Tuesday of the month at West LA regional office from 10 am to Noon
1645 Corinth Avenue Room 104, Los Angeles 90025