
Upcoming May Revision Responses by the LAO

To provide assistance to the Legislature in a timely fashion, the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) anticipates releasing a number of responses to the Governor’s May Revision at the LAO website: A section of the LAO website, accessible from the homepage, will be dedicated to key May Revision responses, which will begin to be posted tomorrow and continue through the weekend and next week too.

For up-to-date announcements on major LAO responses, follow the LAO’s main Twitter feed (@LAO_CA). For information on economic, revenue, and tax issues in the May Revision, follow the LAO California Economy and Taxes Twitter feed (@LAOEconTax).

Among the LAO’s online responses to the May Revision will be the office’s analyses of the Governor’s overall budget proposal, revenue estimates, estimates of the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee, and education spending proposals. In the coming days, various education budget tables also will be updated at the LAO’s EdBudget page ( LAO analysts will appear before legislative budget subcommittees in the coming days with additional comments.

For more information, contact: Jason Sisney ([email protected]) or Ryan Miller ([email protected]). Other LAO staff contact information is available at: