Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Council (VANC) is proud to co-host the Town Hall with City Council President Herb Wesson
this Saturday, May 9 from 10 a.m.-12 noon at Van Nuys City Hall in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor.
(Please see attached flyer for details.)

I hope you will make every effort to attend on Saturday. This is your
opportunity to share your thoughts regarding your experiences, both good and
bad, with Neighborhood Councils. Herb attended our last VANC meeting and
announced that he will be the CHAIR of the Education and Neighborhood
Committee…Herb will be listening!

I am pleased that several of VANC’s recommendations presented to the Congress
of NCs have been introduced to the City Council and hopefully will be
implemented. One of these in particular is to allow five minutes to neighborhood
council board members who are speaking to the City Council and Council
committees on behalf of an Alliance or their neighborhood council.

I am looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. I will be sending the agenda for
next Thursday’s, May 14, VANC meeting.

Jill Banks Barad
Founder and Chair, VANC

