PRNC Requested Oil Drilling EIR To Be Completed

PRNC Requested Oil Drilling EIR To Be Completed

The PRNC is pleased to announce that Termo has undertaken this responsibility to our community and will be conducting an EIR as well a forum for discussion.

The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council has just received word from Termo, who is proposing a drilling project in the hills above Porter Ranch, that they are working with the County and the City to complete an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for their project.

The North Aliso Canyon Project proposal includes the drilling of twelve new oil wells on three separate pads covering 5.3 acres above Porter Ranch. Termo indicates that, “The location would not be visible to the Porter Ranch community and would be at least a mile from homes.” However, due to potential health and environmental concerns, the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council together with Councilmember Mitchell Englander called for an Environmental Impact Report to be completed to allow the community to thoroughly investigate and understand the facts.

Members of the community have expressed ongoing concern that the project not include fracking. Termo states in their release, “We have also committed in writing that we will not be using hydraulic fracturing at any point in these proposed wells.”

Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council is pleased to hear that The Termo Company has taken the responsibility to complete the EIR and continue the dialog with our stakeholders. “An EIR is the tool that will help members of the Council make up our minds about the project,” states PRNC Vice President Pat Pope.

Read the Termo EIR Announcement

EIR Request August 2014

July 2014 Article about Termo Proposal

PRNC April 2014 Meeting About Termo Proposal


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