Let’s Get Social! Virtual Tools for Real Impact

Let’s Get Social! Virtual Tools for Real Impact

Many of our Neighborhood Councils have become quite adept at using social media outreach to spread the word about meetings and events, recruit volunteers, and interact with their stakeholders, other NCs, and city officials. Have you connected with EmpowerLA on the various social media platforms?

Social media is a powerful way to engage stakeholders who will be an asset to your Neighborhood Council, connect with other community organizations, and keep up with the latest news and events. Pollinating your message through the social media world can increase your impact and influence in your community and the city.

Try it today: create a Facebook event for your next meeting and easily keep track of RSVPs; ask stakeholders to submit photos and videos from events, and you’ll have material to populate your website and newsletter; use Twitter to jump into civic-minded conversations and connect with local influencers.

If all the available tools and platforms feel overwhelming, don’t worry — Empower LA’s Technology and User Experience (TUX) Team is here to help! Check out the Let’s Get Social section on our newly redesigned website to find information and guides to to get you started in the most popular social media platforms being used today.


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