Brad Sherman Congressman Sherman Statement on Obama’s Proposed Budget

LA Area Projects Underfunded

Washington DC – Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) released the following statement on President Obama’s proposed budget:

“I am pleased that the President’s budget request aims to invest in helping working families make their paychecks go further, preparing hardworking Americans to earn higher wages, and creating the infrastructure that allows businesses to thrive,” said Congressman Sherman. “However, I am disappointed many priorities that would impact the Los Angeles area, such as the West Coast Earthquake Early Warning System and the Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration project, were not given adequate consideration.”

“In earlier years, Congress would add funds for specific projects, while cutting funds for others. Since 2011 the Republican House leadership has classified specific additions as “earmarks” and prohibited them. I look forward to working with the administration to fund these projects from “general” funds during 2015, or to include specific funding for them in 2016

West Coast Earthquake Early Warning System

Last year, Congress included $5 million in the FY2015 funding bill, also known as the Cro1mnibus. This was the first time Congress ever provided funding specifically for the West Coast Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) System.

Developed by Caltech, UC Berkeley and University of Washington, the new system will use the funds to build additional stations, install new sensory equipment and help develop new warning technology.

With advanced notice, people can take cover, trains can slow down, and doctors can pause surgeries – it can save lives and reduce the economic impact of an earthquake. Sherman was an early advocate of this funding along with his colleagues Rep. Adam Schiff (D -CA) in the House and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in the Senate.

Congressman Sherman, along with his colleagues, wrote the President requesting increased funding for USGS’s earthquake-related programs, including an additional $16.1 million for the development and operation of an Earthquake Early Warning System. However, President Obama only requested $3.5 million in his FY2016 Budget.

The Los Angeles River

Congressman Sherman and other colleagues, including Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA), sent a letter to President Obama urging him to support funding in his Fiscal Year 2016 Budget for Los Angeles River Ecosystem Restoration project’s preconstruction engineering and design.

The Los Angeles River project would restore and revitalize the areas where the river flows, from Burbank to Los Angeles to Glendale. Over a million individuals live in areas adjacent to the river’s path and would benefit from this long term effort.  It would makeover 11 miles of the Los Angeles River that would widen the river, restore wetlands and create park and bike amenities.

The President did not request any funding for the LA River Restoration in his FY2016 Budget.