ELA Communications - Large

Neighborhood Council Boardmembers, both elected and appointed, are required to do three things in order to vote on issues that come before the council: take Ethics Training, take Funding Training, and sign a Code-of-Conduct Certificate.

EmpowerLA tracks the compliance on these three items and posts the results of the Ethics and Funding Training on the EmpowerLA website so that the public and the board can see who is eligible to vote. (Code of Conduct will be posted within the next two weeks)

Visit EmpowerLA.org and select your council to see a page that has information on your council, including the location of your meetings, your bylaws and maps, and a roster of Boardmembers with their contact email and their training status. Please take a look and verify the accuracy of this information, emailing [email protected] with any updates or corrections.

To take your Ethics Training, visit the Fair Political Practices Commission and login by entering your email and creating a password. You will be prompted through a 2 hour tutorial with some quizzes, concluding with a certificate which is emailed to you. Email this Ethics Certificate to [email protected] and send a copy to your Neighborhood Council President or Secretary so they can also update their records. EmpowerLA will update the rosters three times a week and you will receive an acknowledgement and a confirmation.

To take your Funding Training, visit the EmpowerLA Funding page and select either the Treasurer’s Training or the Boardmember Training, and then watch the video and complete this online form. You will receive an email receipt but there is no need to contact [email protected]. You can send the email receipt to your Neighborhood Council President or Secretary so they can also update their records.

To complete the Code of Conduct Form, click this link and read the document and then fill out the form. You will receive an email receipt but there is no need to contact [email protected]. You can send the email receipt to your Neighborhood Council President or Secretary so they can also update their records.

The Ethics Training is required by State Law, the Funding Training is a requirement in order to handle public funds, and the Code of Conduct is a Commission policy that was recently amended on January 12, 2015 to allow board members to take a training in lieu of signing the Code of Conduct and to extend the deadline to comply with the policy to April 3, 2015.