
Sherman Helps Secure Funding For Early Earthquake Preparedness
Encourages Preparedness on 21st Anniversary of Northridge Quake

Washington, D.C. – On the eve of the 21st anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake, Congressman Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) is highlighting new Congressional funding for earthquake detection. Passage of the 2015 Funding Bill now includes 5 million dollars for the West Coast Earthquake Early Warning System. Developed by Caltech, UC-Berkeley and University of Washington, the new system will use the funds to build additional stations, install new sensory equipment and help develop new warning technology.

With advanced notice, people can take cover, trains can slow down, and doctors can pause surgeries – it can save lives and reduce the economic impact of an earthquake. Sherman was an early advocate of this funding along with his colleagues Rep. Adam Schiff (D -CA) in the House and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in the Senate. In light of the anniversary, Sherman is also reminding residents of the San Fernando Valley and metropolitan Los Angeles how they can prepare for a future seismic event.

“This is a day of solemn tribute to the tragic events in Northridge, and a reminder to be vigilant and prepared for future earthquakes,” said Congressman Sherman. “Twenty-one years ago, over 60 lives were lost, and nearly 2000 more injured in one of the largest earthquakes in our nation’s history. The memory of physical damage and the cost of human life should remind us to prepare ourselves and our families for when Los Angeles is struck again – whether it is an earthquake, a fire, or another natural disaster. While much work is still needed to improve our early warning and detection system, I am pleased my colleagues and I were able to secure this new funding.”

The Northridge Earthquake was one of the most costly federal disasters in history, with damages in excess of $20 billion.  It was the 11th largest earthquake recorded in California since 1769, measuring higher on the “Richter Scale” than any other North American earthquake in an urban area.


Sherman encourages all residents to prepare themselves by taking the following steps before, during, and after an earthquake:

Before an earthquake: (1) Check for hazards in the home, (2) identify safe places indoors and outdoors, (3) educate yourself and family members, (4) have disaster supplies on hand, (5) develop an emergency communication plan, and (6) help your community get ready by talking to your neighbors or participating in your neighborhood council.

During an earthquake: Take cover indoors in a safe place such as under a sturdy table or within a doorway.  If outdoors, stay in a safe open area away from buildings, streetlights and utility wires.

After an earthquake: Expect aftershocks, listen to a battery-operated radio or television for emergency information, use the telephone for emergency calls only, stay away from damaged areas; inspect your home for damages, and inspect gas lines and electrical systems, as well as sewage and water lines.

For more information about earthquake preparedness, visit the following websites: www.fema.gov,  Congressman Sherman’s San Fernando Valley constituents may contact him directly with questions or additional concerns at (818) 501-9200.


On January 17, 1994, at approximately 4:30 a.m., the San Fernando Valley and much of Southern California awoke to a massive earthquake that shook the nerves of residents for one minute followed by hundreds of unnerving aftershocks.  When the shaking stopped, the 6.7 magnitude earthquake damaged 114,000 residential and commercial structures spread over 2,100 square miles.  The Northridge Earthquake killed over 60 people, injured nearly 12,000, left thousands temporarily homeless, and significantly impaired Los Angeles’ infrastructure network.

President Bill Clinton reacted quickly, deploying personnel and resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake to assist public agencies in the recovery effort.  President Clinton declared a federal disaster within hours of the earthquake, enabling individuals to apply for federal disaster assistance.

Nearly 700,000 Southern California residents registered for federal assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  FEMA disbursed $7.8 billion in Individual, Public and Mitigation Assistance program funds.  In all, the Federal government expended $13.2 billion toward the recovery.


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