Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition
A Coalition of Councils
General Meeting Agenda
November 1, 2014 10:00 AM


Website: www.lancc.org
WEB-BLOG (Notices, etc.):  lanccreports.blogspot.com
Send emails (questions, comments):
[email protected]


  1. Ray Verches, Southern California Gas Company, Update on the progress of Advanced Meters (AMI) and Pipeline Safety Enhancement Program (PSEP) for the City of Los Angeles
  2. Bobby Shriver, Candidate for Los Angeles County Supervisor, 3rd District, Q&A
  3. Alycia Witzling, MURP Associate, Strategic Development Discovery Cube LA newest museum in the San Fernando Valley
  4. Dorsay Dujon, Make Music LA Make Music Los Angeles is about people getting together in their neighborhoods to put together their own musical events in a do-it-yourself fashion


  1. Discussion and possible action Changing City Election Dates / Special Election for Charter Amendment / March 3, 2015 – Council File Number: 15-1100-S1
  2. Continued discussion from last month and possible motion for illegal units in the City of Los Angeles
  3. The XXXX Neighborhood Council MOVE that the City Council direct HCID to report on the number of illegal/unapproved units discovered per year by HCID inspectors over the last five years and
    include the following for each of these units: the end result—how many units were corrected by
    the landlord to be made legal, how many were eliminated from the housing market, and how
    many remain out of compliance.

    The XXXX Neighborhood Council FURTHER MOVE that the Council direct HCID, the Department of City Planning, and the Department of Building & Safety to work with tenant groups and property owners and report on options for preserving unapproved housing units and what other jurisdictions have done to save these units.

  4. Reports
    1. EmpowerLA- Grayce Liu
    2. Budget Advocates- Terrence Gomes /Jay Handal
    3. Speed Round/ Announcements
    4. DWP REPORT-Jack or Tony
    5. Board of Neighborhood Commissioners-Len Shaffer /Lydia Grant
    6. Adjournment