
Water is our most precious resource. With the drought now in its third year, we must be creative about the ways in which we conserve water. Mayor Garcetti is encouraging the city to take action to make sure we have enough water to keep going and to reduce the use of costly imported water. It’s both an environmental and economic necessity.

How are you and your neighbors conserving water? At #DroughtHack HQ, you can find creative and effective ideas for reducing your water use, get rebates and free stuff to help you use less water, and submit your own suggestions.

10 Steps for Reducing Water Use:

  1. Outdoor water use is critical to tackling our drought — it accounts for 50% of residential consumption. Replace your lawn with low-water landscaping and qualify for a $3.75 per square foot incentive and lower your water bills.
  2. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway.
  3. Install a weather based irrigation controller that stops sprinklers when it rains. Click here for information on how to get up to $200.
  4. Use a pool cover to reduce thousands of gallons of water loss from evaporation.
  5. Take shorter showers and install a water efficient shower-head. Click here to get one for free.
  6. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving.
  7. Install a high efficiency toilet and fixing running toilet tanks. Click here for incentive information.
  8. Wash only full loads of laundry and install a high efficiency washer. Click here for incentive information.
  9. Install high-efficiency faucet aerators to cut water use from sinks by 75%. Click here to get free aerators.
  10. Fix a leaky faucet to save up to 300 gallons of water per month.


Join the #DroughtHack Thunderclap and support Mayor Garcetti and fellow Angelenos in battling the drought through education and sharing of best practices.