nextdoor officials made a big announcement last week that opened up their social network to use by government agencies. Unlike most social platforms, Nextdoor hosts closed neighborhood networks just for the people living in those communities.

In this insightful video, Kristy Dalton of GovGirl and NextDoor co-founder Sarah Leary chat about the practical ways cities can use Nextdoor for Public Agencies. One key question was how much this service was going to actually cost government. Her answer was that this is a free service for both citizens and public entities. Sarah also provides a few ideas for how police, fire and public information officers could use the platform.

Watch the video to learn more and register your agency at

Kristy Dalton is known as “GovGirl” in the government technology industry. She is a former city government web manager who has a passion for social media, technology and the lighter side of government life. Kristy is the CEO of Government Social Media.