
Join us to discuss common issues that come up regarding Land Use & Planning with Deputy City Attorney Adrienne Khorasanee who will be present on behalf of City Attorney Mike Feuer. The meeting will also include updates on Citywide issues.

When: Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 10 a.m.
Where: Hollenbeck Police Station – Community Room
2111 E. First Street, Los Angeles 90033 [map]

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PlanCheckNC is a unique grassroots alliance created by Neighborhood Council stakeholders to promote more stakeholder participation in planning and land use issues and make government more responsive to local community needs. It is the purpose of PlanCheckNC to help Neighborhood Councils and their stakeholders to have the knowledge and tools to develop a vision reflective of the values of neighborhood residents and to develop and implement a land use framework that enables all stakeholders to feel that they are a part of the community– supported, safe and valued by the community.