NC Congress 2014 Council Chambers

A big thank you to everyone who participated in Saturday’s incredibly successful Congress of Neighborhoods! From Mayor Garcetti’s inspirational opening speech and his announcement of the Mayor’s Volunteer Corps to the many packed workshops, City Hall was abuzz with activity and passion for the diverse communities that make up our great city.

More than 600 participants from dozens of neighborhood councils came to City Hall to meet with city officials and representatives from city departments and local organizations, attend workshops about issues relevant to them and their communities, and engage and learn from each other. Workshops covered diverse issues including NC board basics, coalition-building, public works, sustainability, technology, and mobility, and featured speakers from the Mayor’s Office, the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, the Alliance of River Communities, the LA County Bicycle Coalition, Neighborhood Housing Services, and various neighborhood councils doing innovative and creative things in their communities.

Technology played a key role in the Congress as Twitter and other social media platforms were flooded with comments and photos labeled with hashtags like #NCCongressLA, #EmpowerLA, and #TUXbootcamp, among others. Many neighborhood councils and individuals got in on the action by tweeting and posting their thoughts, experiences, and questions throughout the day, showing the power of digital tools coupled with face-to-face interaction.

During lunch, several neighborhood councils were honored with awards for their achievements throughout the year. The councils were acknowledged for their work in creating innovative solutions to community issues and their efforts to improve outreach and engagement.

Participants came away invigorated and inspired, with new information, ideas, and networks to take back to their neighborhood councils. We look forward to another amazing year of community engagement and empowerment across the city!