Run for office

The 2025 Van Nuys Neighborhood Council elections are coming. YOU SHOULD RUN!

We’re looking for a few good neighbors who are conscientious, community-minded, and passionate about our community.

You can run for elected office at the local level representing your neighbors.

  • Candidate filing period: February 7 to March 24.
  • Vote-by-mail application period: April 11 to June 1.
  • Election Day: June 10.

File between February 7 and March 24 to run for a seat and the chance to help shape decisions on land use, housing, homelessness, transportation, the environment, arts, and everything else that affects us.

VNNC Seats to be filled by June 2025 NC Election

Board Seat Qualifications
Resident Representative Zone 1 Resident of Zone 1 (see boundaries in note).
Resident Representative Zone 3 Resident of Zone 3 (see boundaries in note)
At-Large Resident Representative Seat 1 Resides within the VNNC boundaries.
At-Large Resident Renter Representative Seat 1 Resides as a renter within the VNNC boundaries.
Industrial Business Owner or Employee Seat 1 An industrial business owner or employee within the VNNC boundaries.
Commercial Business Owner or Employee Seat 1 A commercial business owner or employee within the VNNC boundaries.
Religious Institution Representative A stakeholder who is a member of a religious institution located within the VNNC boundaries.
Non-Profit Community Organization or Service Club Representative Seat 1 A stakeholder who is a member of a community organization or service club located within the VNNC boundaries.
Youth Representative A stakeholder who is at least 14 years of age and no more than 17 years of age on the day of the election.
Senior Representative A stakeholder who lives, works, owns property or declares a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder within the VNNC boundaries and is 55 years of age or better.
At-Large Representative Seat 2 A stakeholder who lives, works, owns property or declares a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder within the VNNC boundaries.


Zone 1 is bounded on the north by the railroad tracks north of Saticoy Street, on the east by Van Nuys Boulevard, on the south by Vanowen St. and on the west by the 405 Freeway.

Zone 3 is bounded on the north by Vanowen St., on the east by Van Nuys Blvd., on the south by Burbank Blvd. and on the west by the 405 Freeway.

Except for the Youth Representative, all candidates must be at least 18 years of age.

Ready to Run?

Create an Account and File Candidacy

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Run for a Seat on the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council