KevinJames Greetings My Fellow Citizens,

First and foremost, I would like to invite everyone to the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Meeting tomorrow night. The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will have the esteemed honor and privilege of welcoming President Kevin James to speak and answer questions at our General Meeting.  President Kevin James is participating in an ongoing “Speaker Series” hosted by the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council.

It is important to bring the people of Van Nuys closer to their government and the powers that be.  It is our job as local elected officials to facilitate meetings, workshops, and summits to make this possible.  I look forward to hearing from President Kevin James at the Council Meeting tomorrow night, and seeing how we can all work together to promote the common good throughout the City of Los Angeles.

The City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works (BPW) is a five-member executive team that administrates the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works consists of over 5,400 employees who are responsible for design, construction, renovation and operation of public projects ranging from bridges to wastewater treatment plants and libraries; curbside collection and graffiti removal; and maintenance of streets, sidewalks, sewers, street lights and street trees.

Secondly, we are moving full steam ahead on the Immigration Summit and Workshop in October, and have set the date for Wednesday, October 29th, 2014.  The population trends in Van Nuys show that our neighborhoods have increasingly become a community of Hispanics and Latinos.  They make up the majority of the population, and many of them are foreign born and are English language deficient.  We plan on increasing English language proficiency through partnerships with local non-profits and similar organizations that teach English.  We are also going to start distributing bilingual materials and assistance for both government and social services.

We aim to get more Hispanic and Latino constituents involved in the neighborhood council, while continuing to represent all of the people in Van Nuys and throughout the San Fernando Valley.

Thirdly, the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will be partnering with LA City Councilwoman Nury Martinez to present a Health Fair.  The date for this event is Saturday, October 25th.  This event will be open to the public, and will be a great opportunity to become informed and make contacts with those in the health industry throughout the San Fernando Valley.

And finally, the VNNC has added an addendum to the agenda, and will be re-voting on the 2014-2015 Budget Package to make sure everything is official for the powers that be at City Hall.  This is just a legislative formality, but needs to be done and has been placed on the agenda as part of “Old Business.”  Cheers, it is an honor and privilege to serve as your Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

VNNC Sep 10 agenda Spanish      SeptemberGeneralMeetingAgenda2014–Addendum