From The Mayor Eric Garcetti…ReadyLA-704x318

Twenty years ago today, our city was jolted awake by the devastating Northridge Earthquake. While we cannot predict the future, we can be ready for it. That’s why I appointed Dr. Lucy Jones, one of the world’s leading seismologists, to advise me on how LA can prepare for the Big One.

I’m pushing City Hall to do everything it can, but I need you to do your part. Will you take the #ReadyLA Pledge right now so that you’ll be prepared?
Each of us needs to have the water, food, and other supplies necessary to take care of our families for a few days when the Big One hits.
Don’t put it off. Take the #ReadyLA Pledge now and learn how to prepare.
I’m counting on you. Together, we can make LA the safest city in the world.
Eric Garcetti
P.S. Join me in making sure that LA is ready. Please take the pledge and then forward this to a friend.