Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition

A Coalition of Councils

General Meeting Agenda

July 5, 2014 10:00 a.m.


  Chair:  Terrence Gomes Vice Chair:  Fred Mariscal
Secretary:  Connie Acosta Treasurer:  Glenn Bailey

     Website: www.lancc.org

WEB-BLOG (Notices, etc.):  lanccreports.blogspot.com
Send emails (questions, comments, etc.):  [email protected]

  1. CALL TO ORDER:  10:00 AM by LANCC Chair, Terrence Gomes
  2. CHAIR’S REPORT: Terrence Gomes
  4. AGENDA AND MINUTES:  review and approval
  6. Daniel Hackney- City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation. The City of Los Angeles has a pending proposal of a rate increase for the Sewer Service Charge for commercial and residential users. A presentation of the new fees and why the increase will be discussed.
  7. Leila Pedersen– Policy Coordinator at California Common Cause presentation on the LA City Ethics Commission recommending of a set of election reforms to City Council and details of the proposed reforms to LA’s campaign finance laws. These reforms will most likely be voted on later this summer.
  9. Community Impact Statement: The XXXX Neighborhood Council supports the CF 13-1478 Motion (LaBonge – Krekorian) relative to the Department of City Planning and City Attorney to evaluate the Small Lot Subdivision Ordinance and to revise the Ordinance to ensure that future Small Lot Subdivisions are compatible with the neighborhood. We request the following items addressed to improve the quality of life in the community affected:
  1. –  requiring front setbacks on all projects
  2. –  restricting the height in relation to the surrounding properties
  3. –  requiring private trash collection
  4. –  following neighborhood character and not allowing homes to be oriented towards neighbors
  5. –  no roof top decks because of noise and privacy concerns
  6. –  making front setbacks mandatory
  7. –  applying the same rules for apartment buildings including increased setbacks with increased height,               mandatory open space, guest parking, common trash collection, and common area upkeep.
  8. –  turning the guidelines into enforceable rules
  9. –  requiring maintenance agreements for the common areas including driveways, walkways, and landscape.
  10. Letter to City Council and your State Representative:   The XXXX Neighborhood Council supports AB 2222 that would change the current law under SB 1818. Adequate and affordable housing is an issue of statewide concern.  Yet, the change made to the density bonus law by SB 1818 had the reverse effect and has resulted in fewer affordable units that were built pre-SB 1818 that were proposed to be demolished and replaced may now qualify for a density bonus under the new SB 1818 structure. SB 1818 inadvertently created a loophole whereby developers that propose to demolish pre-SB 1818 buildings are not required to begin the new project with the same number of affordable units.  As a result, a new project may result in less affordable units than previously existed on the parcel. This bill addresses the loophole created by SB 1818 and ensures that affordable units are preserved when a development proposes to demolish a site and the new proposal is to replace the outdated structure with a new residential structure by ensuring that the project begins with the same number of affordable units.  Additionally, this bill increases the classification of affordability from 30 years to 55 years. This change is consistent with other state and local programs and ensures that affordable units remain affordable.  AB 2222 will preserve and promote the supply of affordable units for years to come. The XXXX Neighborhood Council requests (for your support/ that a motion be made in Council) on behalf of AB 2222 to improve quality of life and to close the loophole created by SB 1818. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_2201-2250/ab_2222_cfa_20140506_131240_asm_comm.html
  2. EmpowerLA-  Armando Ruiz acting GM
  • i) Funding Program
  • ii) Opportunities
  1. Board of Neighborhood Commissioners- Len Shaffer
  • i) Update of BONC actions
  1. DWP REPORT- Wilkinson or Humphreville