
Dear Yo-Cyclists-

  Hope you are all off to a good weekend and safely enjoying this sunshine.Tomorrow is going to be a fun eventful day, and looking forward to seeing you guys at one thing or another. So a couple of announcements about tomorrow. 

    First off, Yo-Cycle will be happening tomorrow morning, June 22nd 2014. Ride leaves at 9:30 a.m. from the Valley Bikery. 4 mile ride down the orange line to Balboa Park and then 60 minutes yoga session. After the Yo-Cycle session we invite anyone interested to ride with us to the opening event of the new local brewery in Van Nuys, MacLeod Ale Brewing Co. You can purchase your beer vouchers via their facebook page (Facebook/MacLeodAle). https://www.facebook.com/MacLeodAle. We met the owner of the brewery, Alastair, last weekend and he mentioned that a pipe band will be playing briefly at their event. It sounds like it will be a fun event and a nice way to support a local brewery. The event will be going on all day until the evening.

 To all the World Cup Soccer Fans  tomorrow is an important game for me, USA vs. Portugal at 3:00 p.m. Thus, just want to give you all aheads up that I will be leaving the event by 2 p.m. I am not sure where I will be watching the game, but will know by tomorrow morning. 

   To spice up tomorrow’s Yo-Cycle session, I invite anyone to wear a soccer jersey or dress up in their favorite team’s colors. 

Look forward to practicing with you all tomorrow.


Sharon of Valley Bikery