LA Historic Preservation

The Los Angeles Conservancy’s 2014 Preservation Report Card, which evaluates the historic preservation programs of the 89 local jurisdictions in Los Angeles, awarded the City of Los Angeles one of only 8 A+ grades in the county. The Conservancy’s scoring recognized the comprehensive nature of the City of Los Angeles’ preservation program, including: its historic preservation ordinances, dedicated historic preservation commission, dedicated staff for historical preservation in the Office of Historic Resources, active landmark designation program, ability to designate historic districts, the comprehensive and ongoing citywide survey of historic resources through SurveyLA, the Mills Act incentive program, other significant historic preservation incentives including the Adaptive Reuse Ordinance, and the city’s Certified Local Government status for historic preservation.

The only blemish on Los Angeles’ total report card score (245 out of a maximum 250 points) was the city’s lack of a Historic Preservation Element in its General Plan, though preparation of an Historic Preservation Element does remain a longer-term goal of the OHR.

You may review the entire report card and summaries of each local jurisdiction on the LA Conservancy website.

LA Conservancy