East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor E-Newsletter – Spring 2014


Happy Spring 2014!
This e-newsletter is designed to ensure that you as a stakeholder, have the latest information on the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Study.  The Study’s goal is to improve north/south transit in the east San Fernando Valley. More specifically, the Study is focusing on the Corridor between the Sylmar/San Fernando Metrolink Station and the Van Nuys Metro Orange Line Station, primarily along Van Nuys Bl and San Fernando Rd.

that of the 460,000 people who reside along the Study Corridor, 35% utilize Metro bus and/or rail service as their primary mode of transit  and that 50% of these riders travel within the limits of the Study Area?

The Environmental Impact Statement/Report (EIS/EIR) is being drafted.

The Study Team has been busy working on the various technical reports that will be completed as part of the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Study’s Draft EIS/EIR. The  technical reports include, but are not limited to:

  • Traffic/Transportation
  • Noise
  • Air Quality
  • Property Acquisitions
  • Water Quality/Hydrology
  • Geology/Soils
  • Cultural Resources
  • Biological Resources
  • Hazards and Hazardous Materials
  • Environmental Justice
  • Visual/Aesthetics
  • Paleontology
  • Public Services
  • Utilities
  • Land Use/Planning
  • Recreation
  • Historic Resources
  • Population/Housing
  • Endangered Species
  • Cumulative Impacts
  • Four Alternatives Being Considered

Last Spring, after conducting Scoping Meetings (i.e., community meetings where comments on the Study’s focus and issues to be addressed are brought to the Study Team’s attention by stakeholders), the Study Team went to work  analyzing the technical attributes of the various alternatives and reviewed the comments received from you and other stakeholders. This effort resulted in the refinement of the build alternatives identified in the previously completed Alternatives Analysis Study, which will be studied in the Draft EIS/EIR.

The refined alternatives include:



Build Alternative 1 –  Curb Running  Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) would operate in a dedicated bus lane along the curb of Van Nuys Bl and continue north on San Fernando Rd in mixed flow lanes

Build Alternative 2 – Median Running BRT would operate in a dedicated bus lane in the median of Van Nuys Bl and continue north on San Fernando Rd in mixed flow lanes

Build Alternative 3 – Tram/Low Floor Light Rail Transit (LRT) would operate in the center of Van Nuys Bl and transition into mixed-flow lanes on San Fernando Rd



Build Alternative 4 – A High Floor LRT would operate in the center of Van Nuys Bl and adjacent to San Fernando Rd

Along with the build alternatives, a No-Build and a Transportation Systems Management Alternative (lower cost capital and operational improvements) will be studied
Comparing the two Rail Alternatives


Comparing the two Rail Alternatives

The East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Study is considering two Rail alternatives.  The Tram/Low-Floor Alternative (Alternative 3) would operate using low-floor articulated vehicles (two cars joined by a flexible accordion) that would be electrically powered by overhead wires.  The Tram/Low-Floor LRT differs from Metro’s traditional LRT in that they can be boarded at curb-level, includes more frequent stops, and when need be, can share a lane with motor vehicles similar to what is done today in many European cites. 

The Metro LRT system in operation today (i.e., Expo Line, Gold Line, Blue Line, etc.) also uses articulated vehicles that are electrically powered by overhead wires.  However, they differ in that they use high-floor vehicles that require a station platform to accommodate the elevated rail-car entrance, the stops are limited to approximately every mile, and they require a dedicated guideway.

Study team continues to share Study information with interested stakeholders. . .
Over the last several months, representatives from the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Study Team have been sharing Study information with stakeholders and community organizations throughout the east San Fernando Valley.

If you would like your group or organization to receive a Study update, please contact our team at (818) 276-3233 or email us at [email protected].

The Draft EIS/EIR is being assembled and is expected to be available for public review in early 2015.
Community meetings will be scheduled in the fall to update stakeholders on the Study’s progress.  Formal Public Hearings will be held once the document is released for a 45-day public review period.  This will enable you the stakeholder, to provide comments on the Study findings and recommendations.

  • The Draft EIS/EIR is being assembled and is expected to be available for public review in early 2015. 

  • Community meetings will be scheduled in the fall to update stakeholders on the Study’s progress.  Formal Public Hearings will be held once the document is released for a 45-day public review period.  This will enable you the stakeholder, to provide comments on the Study findings and recommendations.