Run for office

Make a difference in Van Nuys. Run for a seat on the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council. Candidate Filing is open February 18 to April 8.

Half the board seats (10) are up for election on June 22 and you should run!

1. Resident Representative Zone 2 & 4
2. At-Large Resident Representative Seat 2
3. At-Large Resident Renter Representative Seat 2
4. At-Large Industrial Business Owner or Employee Representative Seat 2
5. At-Large Commercial Business Owner or Employee Representative Seat 2
6. Non-Profit Community Organization or Service Club Representative Seat 2
7. School Representative
8. At-Large Representative Seat 1 & 3

See our Boundary & Zone Map

See the Qualifications for Open Seats Details

Ready to Run?

Create an Account and file your candidacy

See who’s running

Instructions on how to file your candidacy:

Need More Information?


[email protected].

Find out what it means to be a candidate in this video:

Election Timeline

2023_NC_Election_Timeline Region 4

run for office